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Generate an oscillator signal (a shorthand combination of the SINE and LINSPACE blocks). It offers a more straightforward way to generate signals, with sample rate and the time in seconds as parameters, along with all the parameters in the SINE block. Params: sample_rate : float The number of samples that are taken in a second. time : float The total amount of time of the signal. waveform : select The waveform type of the wave. amplitude : float The amplitude of the wave. frequency : float The wave frequency in radians/2pi. offset : float The y axis offset of the function. phase : float The x axis offset of the function. Returns: out : OrderedPair x: time domain y: generated signal
Python Code
import numpy as np
from flojoy import flojoy, OrderedPair
from scipy import signal
from typing import Literal

    sample_rate: int = 100,
    time: int = 10,
    waveform: Literal["sine", "square", "triangle", "sawtooth"] = "sine",
    amplitude: float = 1,
    frequency: float = 1,
    offset: float = 0,
    phase: float = 0,
) -> OrderedPair:
    """Generate an oscillator signal (a shorthand combination of the SINE and LINSPACE blocks).

    It offers a more straightforward way to generate signals, with sample rate and the time in seconds as parameters, along with all the parameters in the SINE block.

    sample_rate : float
        The number of samples that are taken in a second.
    time : float
        The total amount of time of the signal.
    waveform : select
        The waveform type of the wave.
    amplitude : float
        The amplitude of the wave.
    frequency : float
        The wave frequency in radians/2pi.
    offset : float
        The y axis offset of the function.
    phase : float
        The x axis offset of the function.

        x: time domain
        y: generated signal

    samples = sample_rate * time
    x = np.linspace(0, time, samples)

    if waveform == "sine":
        y = offset + amplitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * x + phase)
    elif waveform == "square":
        y = offset + amplitude * signal.square(2 * np.pi * frequency * x + phase)
    elif waveform == "triangle":
        y = offset + amplitude * signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * frequency * x + phase, 0.5)
    else:  # Sawtooth
        y = offset + amplitude * signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * frequency * x + phase)

    return OrderedPair(x=x, y=y)

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In this example, BASIC_OSCILLATOR node generates a sine wave with a frequency of 1Hz and an amplitude of 3 for 10 seconds with a sample rate of 400Hz.

The same output can be generated with LINSPACE and SINE nodes combined. SINE would have the same parameters, but for LINSPACE, the start parameter will be 0, end is the time, which is 10 in this case, and step is the total samples, which is sample_rate * time in this case